Tel. 01933 448853
Tel. 01933 448853
A glass veranda is one of the most perfect outdoor rain protection systems for use in the UK with all year round use possible. Unlike a louvre bladed pergola, where you close the roof to stop rainfall, under a glass veranda you can sit in delight and watch the rain falling on those warm spring and summer days. The major benefit is you still have all the natural light flooding through as well so it doesn't feel dark underneath in rain.
You will always feel more connected to the outside with a glass veranda and get that ‘I’m outside but inside’ feeling and with some carefully thought out options like a roof blind you can also prevent the hottest midday sun from cooking you but still have good light levels depending on your choice of fabric for the blind.
Add a closure system to one side and prevent any prevailing wind annoying you as well. You really can take control of the very changeable British weather with a glass veranda and only really have to concern yourself over cleaning the roof from time to time. No complex mechanics or electric controls involved.
Add lights for the evening time in the roof bars….
Generally it is thought with a properly specified glass veranda you can expect to spend up to an extra 4 months in your outside space. The beginning of spring time and the autumn months too.
A great investment for your health and general well being as well as those who join you.
In most cases, no, they do not and you would only need to seek some advice if your veranda is above 3m in height, occupies more than 50% of the land around your home, or is not on the ground floor.
There is definitely some confusion over the term ‘veranda’ in the UK with regards to planning permission, as the original meaning of the term is confused and mixed in with the glass canopies or awnings, now becoming very popular for the protection from rain and general outdoor living purposes.
A veranda is really an outdoor porch with a roof, attached to the outside of a building, but the various glass structures now available in the UK are also called verandas as they effectively recreate the original purpose of a normal veranda, which are also generally raised off the ground level too.
If you have any doubts we can always provide exact details of your proposed glass veranda and its materials, dimensions and weight, etc if you do need to send anything to your local authority for checking. Most glass verandas will be well within any requirements to seek permission, unless of course you are in a listed property or conservation area, but even then you shouldn't have any trouble with permission if the system is modest in size. It is also worth noting that technically they are also classed as ‘temporary structures’ and bolted to the floor and your house wall. This often gives a different focus on any discussions.
Simple answer is no, it doesn’t get any hotter under a glass veranda than just sitting there in the sun anyway as you have full air flow around the front and sides.
When customers install outdoor weather protection systems of any kind they define an outdoor space for use most of the year round, so by logic that space is going to be used far more than ever before as it is now designated as the area to sit.
When the sun is hot and especially at midday or afternoon generally, then of course as you sit there it may feel very hot, but a glass roof above your head makes it no hotter, in fact the glass will filter out many UV rays naturally.
Extract from the website on the subject…
Standard glass, according to the International Ultraviolet Association, will allow UV-A to pass through while almost 100% of the UV-B and UV-C light is blocked. Therefore, some UV light will enter your home and potentially affect your skin
If you add a retractable fabric blind to the glass veranda you will be able to control the light and heat and UV very effectively indeed just like a normal awning would, but with the extra protection of the glass when it rains..
We think you should buy from us because of our completely transparent pricing policy and our level of skill in installation of bespoke products such as the glass rooms. We do not sit with you for hours on end in your home attempting to persuade you to order on the day, we have no pressure selling tactics, and we are a long established family firm who have traded continuously since 1993.
Samson Awnings is a trading division of Samson Industrial Doors Ltd, and also part of a larger group of companies that have traded now since 1986 and have always been a family owned business.
UK Glass Rooms is our brochure site for some of the more specialised products for outdoor living.
Samson Industrial Doors was formed in 1993 as a partnership and later became a limited company and we are proud of ‘continued’ trading, no liquidation and reforming overnight as so many companies do these days negating long promised warranties in the process.
For all this time we have supplied and installed some of the very highest quality and technically advanced outdoor space products available in the UK, and these include very large commercial door systems, large steel and aluminium structures to carry various systems we offer, and many other products all of which have meant we are geared up as a company to deal with large, heavy, bespoke products requiring special handling and on site installation.
Our roots are in electric gate automation, so again ground works have never been a problem either. Our installers are employed directly by us and are constantly trained in the products as they develop, ensuring they always have the most up to date knowledge possible.
The glass roof and room systems are manufactured in Germany, and Samson Awnings specialise in the supply and installation of these with other services such as special brackets, decking, lighting, heating, and any concrete pads required. These are all offered and installed exactly as required.
The glass rooms specifically are quite complex in their pricing, so although we are attempting to give examples of specific sizes and specifications there are many factors that do come into the equation quite often, affecting the overall price quite dramatically. Despite this, given a rough size and specification, we are always happy to provide rough quotations in order for you to decide if it is within your budget. We will always provide you with an honest price on the initial contact, with options on models and varying prices accordingly.
Yes we can. Whilst we wish we could say that the maximum sizes for our products are infinite, there are of course sensible and technical limits.
The various fixed or retractable roof cover systems we offer can cover very large areas, but other factors always come into play when the area to cover is sufficiently large. There are two main issues that occur regaularly with large areas and systems. One of the main problems on large areas is having either a sufficient building structure to fix to if the system is to protect and extend an existing area next to a building, or having sufficient height on the building. or in the case of a stand alone system ensuring the height required to ensure rainwater dispersal does not affect the aesthetics.
With most fabric roof systems the recommended pitch for rainwater dispersal is 14 degrees or more and of course on large projections this can mean the wall plate is very high..
Retractable Fabric Cover Systems
Many retractable fabric cover solutions will have a maximum projection of about 7000mm, but it will be be more like 6000mm for most. This is only for systems where the fabric is extended and supported by side channels with support posts, and again the maximum width is usually around 6000mm in one unit but because you can bolt units together you can continue indefinitely. Turn the system around and bolt it back to back with another, and then you can create a gable roof with a cover width of up to 14 metres and any width at all. All this is possible with the correct support framework and foundations
The Markilux Pergola, the Weinor Pergotex, The Gibus Med systems and the Weinor Plaza all perform very well in this sector of the market, and they each provide high quality solutions to covering large areas, whilst also having the ability to retract the roof when not required, or in the winter months when the facilities may be closed.
Seven metres is always about the maximum width for one field, after which the units become ‘coupled’ and have 2 covers (which can be powered by the same motor if needed). So after the 14 metre maximum width it would be necessary to bolt another system to go wider.
Fixed Roof Cover Systems
We can offer fixed roof systems which are usually available in an aluminium framework and then use either double, triple or quadruple polycarbonate roof sheets or laminated glass as the infill sections. These systems again need a certain pitch, although not as steep as the equivalent fabric systems due to their strength. However, they do have similar projection limitations with the same ability to bolt together once you reach the limit of a single unit in width. The systems can also be bolted back to back to create a gable roof shape and all these roof systems also have rainwater guttering at the lowest front edge to take the water away, either down the support legs or out the sides and away into options of water butts, soak away systems or into the main drainage system.
We get asked every day, several times, for prices on glass rooms but without a good idea of some key points we cannot give a price that would be remotely accurate.
Our pricing policy is very transparent as well as the labour rates for our installers but the average glass room has something like 40 – 50 variations in key components depending on the requirements and as they are very ‘modular’ in design this enables items such as the sliding glass doors to the front or the sides to be added later as long as they are thought about up front.
Some basic questions that need answering are:
1. Is the framework of the glass roof/room to be installed onto a single or double storey (or taller) building?
2. Is it a simple straight sloping flat roof design or do you need another shape to accomodate your building shape? almost any shape can be achieved with the Weinor system including gable end and very traditional shapes when required.
3. What width and projection is required? For the larger roof projections bear in mind you do need a descent angle on the roof so the height at the back may need to be higher for greater projections.
4. Do you require there to be a minimal amount of front support posts? When there is a 3 post system it is normally possible to reduce this to 2 by increasing the rigidity of the front support profile which all adds weight and cost but is important to many people in the design and potential view from the glass room area.
5. Do you want just a glass roof cover or some sides filled in?
6. Which sides require infilling and with what? We offer many options from zip blinds, fixed glass, sliding glass doors, bi folding glass doors, etc….
When you fill in a side on a ‘pent’ roof design you inevitably require the triangular section filling to crete a straight top section and the triangular section (or trapezium) is usually infilled with glass and there is a variation in the framework used for the glass too, so again options to consider and price variations too.
If you are not sure of course you can ensure that installing products later is easy by ordering the roof system prepared for various options in the future saving time and money later on.
7. What is the base the structure is being installed onto? As the minimum requirement for the glass room framework structure is a concrete pad for each support post at the front then these pads need to be considered in the final design and level you require for the floor surface inside your glass room area. Many different floor plates are also available as well as option in how the post is finished and where the rainwater drainage will exit the post.
8. Do you require lighting built into the roof struts?
9. Do you require any heating inside the glass room such as infra red halogen or maybe even a modern air conditioning unit?
10. Do you require any form of external or internal roof awning to control the light and heat from the sun in the summer time? The options for roof or side mounted blinds are numerous but the function is normally the same to give control over privacy, intense sunlight and heat from the sun.
11. Do you require an overhang on the roof? This is particularly useful to reduce possible rainwater ingress when the front is open and maybe you have a system facing West receiving the prevailing wind.
There are many more questions to answer to get a reasonably accurate price and most of the time the actual heights and suitability of the fixing points are the main concern so this needs to be established as a non issue early on in the specifying and for us the best way to get that question answered is a simple photograph of the area where the glass roof/room is intended to be. We can see most of what we need to know with the one good photograph but more than one is even better.
Please feel free to contact us for prices (0800) 328 6250, but please do try to provide us with answers to as many of the above questions as possible as it speeds up the process enormously at our end.
Providing us with a couple of photographs of the proposed area for installation will give us most information we need for a start.
Our glassroom's are manufactured from high quality aluminium profile sections, all bespoke and manufactured to order. On some of the longer width spans required for the front or side profiles steel inserts are used to further strengthen the beams. The aluminium is then factory painted in a choice of over 50 standard colours with some of them in a metallic and textured finish, far more durable than normal paint. There is no UPVC used at all in the system and the rainwater guttering at the front is all part of the aluminium front support with the rainwater directed down through one or all of the aluminium support posts at the front.
The glass is usually about 10mm thick laminated glass on the roof and 10mm toughened glass for any sliding or folding doors around the front and side. thicker 12mm glass is sometimes used depending on the sizes required and the glass can also be heat soak tested for further enhancement.
Aluminium as a material offers the very best for long term stability and durability especially in our UK climate. It is also ideal for forming perfect curves and shapes required in the design.
All the Samson glass veranda systems are manufactured using high quality aluminium profile sections. These sections vary depending on both the model and sizr chosen,
We offer three main types of veranda design, ranging for the use of 6mm to 10mm safety glass for the roof itself, and then various different roof section profiles, which can create a vastly different final appearance from one another.
All systems are available finished in white, with a further 46 standard colours and nine special textured colours. Any others colours are available, but this is at extra cost.
The pitch and shape of the glass verandas is always variable to accommodate many awkward shapes created by various extensions and other protrusions coming off the back of an average home or building. This is especially common in older buildings that have been slowly extended in different ways over time.
The basic model glass veranda systems may not have the flexibility in size or accessories that the higher specification models have. The addition of side and front elements such as blinds and glass doors is only possible when the framework structure is capable of taking the extra weight without upsetting the overall integrity of the structure, and this is of course dependant on the model.
Technically the answer is no but it does depend on size, local planning requirements, conservation area restrictions, location, and other factors including how it may affect your neighbours, which is usually the most important!
Most glass structures of any size will probably require planning permission or building regulation approval, but as the glass room starts life as a simple glass roof structure it certainly sits in a grey area for planning applications.
We have seen recent examples of local authorities preferring the glass roof or room concept in conservation areas, and approvals given when applied for on the basis the structure is so minimalist it does not detract from the building or surrounding area. Of course every local authority has their own view and although we cannot suggest you don’t ask for permission, a chat with one of your local architects might be worth while if you are in a conservation area or have a listed building.
The aluminium roof structure is bolted to your property and bolted to the ground and does not require any footings like a brick wall or extension would require. This means not only can the glass room be erected fairly quickly, but it does not technically require planning permission by definition.
We are happy to assist in any drawings or visuals for submission or for an appointed architect you may be working with to use. We ensure the building meets current planning regulations when required by the local authorities.
Our many years of experience in installing all kinds of roof structures onto domestic and commercial properties has given us the knowledge to help and recommend when required. We pay particular attention to the building the structure may be attached to, as most of the roof structures we install are not free standing, they are an extension of an existing building.
Some help may be obtained on planning consent from this link:
Also see here for some assistance on permitted development rights:
This is a tricky one as all our glass rooms are totally bespoke with many options for closing in the sides and front as well as other extras, but we'll try give some rough examples.
For the purposes of pricing we will give a few examples based on the Weinor Glasoase system which is one of the highest quality German manufactured glass room systems available in the UK. Each system is specified, drawn and confirmed and then manufactured in Germany, assembled and then unassembled and packed for despatch to the UK and then re assembled onto your prepared area.
The principal of a glass room does mean the base required is fairly flexible as you do not actually require foundations as you would for a conservatory or brick built extension but only require concrete pads where the support legs are situated. This in principal makes this a temporary structure for planning purposes but you should check if you have any doubts whether you do need planning permission.
Samson Awnings generally only supply and install glass room systems to prepared bases by others and we can assemble the units usually between 2-5 days from start depending on the size and complexity of the unit.
As you can have external conservatory awnings, internal lights, heating and other electrical blind system options then sometimes they can take some time to set up after the main unit is installed. Various glass options are also available that can vary the price considerably as there is so much glass used, options such as tinted and coloured.
Here are a few examples bases on installation within approximately 60 miles radius of Northamptonshire.
Weinor Glass Room – 3m width x 3.5m projection, sliding frameless glass doors on all three sides, c. £17-£18,000 fitted inc. VAT*
Weinor Glass Room – 6.5m width x 4m projection with sliding frameless glass doors on all three sides, c. £28,000 fitted inc.VAT*
Weinor Terrazza glass terrace cover with under glass awning with lights and heater : 5m width x 4m projection c. £14,150 fitted inc. VAT*
Weinor Glass Room – 6m width x 3m projection with fixed glass one side, nothing the other side as it is fitted into the L shape of a building and then sliding glass doors to the front only c. £16,000 fitted inc. VAT
Weinor Terrazza glass roof cover – 4m width x 3m projection, no sides, no front and just acting as a fixed glass outdoor terrace cover, c. £10,000 fitted inc.VAT
*subject to survey, location and final specification
We also sell awnings. With a retractable self supporting awning there are some general rules to stick to with daily usage.
DO read and act on the maintenance instructions provided with your new awning including keeping it as clean as possible
DO try to remove your valance of fitted during the worst winter months as it is constantly exposed to the elements
DO check how your awning cover rolls inwards as it should always retract over the Top of the roller and never reverse this direction (applies to manually operated awnings)
DO try to remember on a manual awning when fully extended to retract it a quarter of a turn on the winding handle to keep more tension on the fabric cover, this will also allow the arms to flex in the wind.
DO try to keep the cover fabric as clean as possible, especially from bird droppings. Although modern high quality materials are very treated and resistant to dirt and water the dirt itself can cause mould as a surface problem if left in the right conditions.
No special cleaning products are normally required just a light clean with gentle soapy water should usually do the trick and most dirt will fall off anyway when dry.
DON’T extend your awning past the arm locking point
DON’T hang any objects onto the awning arms or front profile
DON’T extend and use your awning in strong, wind conditions, snow or rain unless you have an awning specifically designed to do so and with sufficient pitch on the cover.
DON’t ever allow water to build up on the fabric cover as this will strain all components and damage the fabric and in the worst case may even pull the awning off the fixings
DON’T allow a wet awning cover to dry in the cassette, when the rain stops and it is safe to do so extend your awning and allow it to dry before closing up again.
DON’T light a barbecue under your awning.
Electric Awnings Specifically
DON’T overuse the electric motor with constant multiple operations, a built in thermal cut out will prevent over use and protect the motor if you do and once dolled down will continue to operate.
DON’T disconnect any sun, wind or rain sensor, your awning will retract automatically after one hour if the sensors are not working for any reason and you should not be able to extend it again as a precaution.
Many awnings are fitted purely for sun protection and the main concern with use should be to ensure the awning is not left out if the calm, sunny weather is likely to change and you are not around to deal with it. The wind sensors fitted to most electric awnings are great for protection against strong winds suddenly occurring but with a manual awning this is not possible of course and you should be responsible for the awning at all times, the bigger the awning the more responsibility!!
There are many retractable fabric roof systems now available where the wind speed use is far higher and rain is not an issue either and retractable roof systems even designed for use in snow so ensure you investigate all possibilities if you do think you may want a product capable of providing protection in more than just calm, sunny days.
Rainwater downpipes are of course present on almost every house and when they are in the line of where an awning is required you usually have 2 options.
Your first option if the downpipe is only in the way of the awning by a small amount is to get the downpipe redirected to the side at higher level leaving a clear space where the awning cassette is to go.
The second option is to use a pipe bracket spacer system. These are very sturdy box section brackets made to order and fitted to space out the awning the required depth which varies from different pipes in Upvc, aluminium or older cast iron types. They can also be used for other obstructions such as chimney breast protrusions, fan outlets and other items.
We ensure there is a bracket fitted at every required key point depending on the size and model of awning ordered. Once installed there will obviously be a larger gap down the back than normal and this is sorted with most higher end awning manufacturers using an aluminium profile section fitted to the top of the awning cassette and sealed back against the wall to make sure all the rainwater is directed to the front.
Brackets and top cover profiles are always matched to the same colour as the awning cassette chosen.
See in the images below the use of quite large gutter brackets to get this very large Markilux 5010 awning installed. The awning is actually a coupled system (larger than 7 metres wide) with the optional drop down front valance so is a very heavy awning indeed.
The brackets have made the awning cassette forward of the downpipes and then sealed from above.
See underneath the awning a sealed awning back to the house wall
Most of the retractable patio awnings we offer are available in any sizes, made to order, up to the maximum width for each model.
In general the Markilux, Weinor and other major awning manufacturers will produce a retractable self supported awning up to between 6500 and 7000mm wide in one complete cassette and fabric cover and then over this size and generally up to a maximum width of 14000mm wide the awning will be what is called ‘coupled’ which means the awning is 2 covers and 2 sets of arms and mechanism but all operating in syncronisation and with one motor drive unit. This same theory applies to other fabric retractable systems we offer including the Pergola and Plaza systems.
The maximum projection for a self supported patio awning is 4000mm and if you require further cover than this the fabric cover has to be supported at the sides and front for stability The Markilux Pergola is the classic example for this with aluminium side channels and 2 support posts at the front meaning a maximum projection of 6000mm is achievable and with the extra side channel support provided when using the ‘zip’ system you will have a far more stable fabric cover in windier conditions.
All the awning we supply are made to order in the widths to the millimetre but tend to have projections in 500mm increments up to the maximum 4000mm.
For more information on our products
Phone: 01933 448853
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UK Glassrooms
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T: 01933 448853
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